1 Person Party

by Taylor

I don't know what to do when my friend doesn't really like video games, or my favorite TV shows. My room doesn't have anything besides my music system (I have a karaoke machine, an iPOD and a set of speakers for it.) My internet is slow so we don't usually go on the computer.

Since I don't have the right materials for games, I usually don't play games. I was thinking about doing some scrapbooking but I don't have anything for that. What exactly should we do if we want to do only one thing.

PS: I am only having one friend over from lunchtime to when her mom gets home from work at around 4:30 or 5:00.

1 Person Party Response:

You could make up a list of words or items and then have a newspaper or magazine scavenger hunt where you compete to find and cut out of the items or words on your list first.

How about making some yummy treats together? If there will be no adults home, ask your mom for a recipe that doesn't require cooking or baking.

Create a secret code and make your own in house scavenger hunt. You can each hide something and then make clues for the other to use to find the item.


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