Hollywood Oscar Awards Party

by Mikala
(Pittsburgh PA U.S.A)

Oscar Party VIP Favor Bags

Oscar Party VIP Favor Bags

Hollywood Oscar Awards Party Supplies

So I don't exactly have my party idea set yet but I have a pretty good vision of it. I had a hard time figuring out what I wanted to do but then it came to me... a HOLLYWOOD OSCAR AWARDS PARTY!!

For the invitations I'm going to type it all on the computer to save some money and when they are printed out we'll roll them into scrolls with gold ribbon wrapped around them to make them look really cool.

We will also add a ticket for each guest to put in and my V.I.P.s will also get a pass.

In my front yard I'm going to have a red carpet coming up my walk way and my dad will be dressed in a tux and be the doorman when everyone comes in on my front veranda (my deck).

I'll have a plain colored curtain hanging up and my guests can get their pictures taken by "paparazzi" like real Hollywood stars!

I'm thinking about having my best friend be the V.I.P. just because she doesn't go to the same school as everyone else so she doesn't know them.

I might even have a grand entrance in a PT cruiser (my fave car) with my V.I.P.

When all the guests are inside and have given their tickets, we'll head downstairs for the party to begin!!

Everyone has to dress fancy and red carpet ready!

Our basement will look amazing with glitter everywhere and the table will have confetti on it with our good china and wine glasses.

There will be pics of Marilyn Monroe and Elvis everywhere.

For dinner we're having something fancy like steak or pasta.

Hollywood Oscar Awards Party Games and Activities

  • We're having a dance party and a dance off to start the night. The winner will get the big bowl for the ice cream bash as her prize!

  • A few of the games we'll be playing are commercials (where you get in teams of 2 and pick out one item from the bag and you have to advertise it with no other props). The winners will be decided by the judges... my mom, sister, and my sister's friend. The winners will get a special gift basket or something. I haven't decided yet.

  • Another game is skits in a bag. What you have to do is divide into teams of 3 or 4 and use what ever items are in the bag you get to perform a skit using all and only those items. The winning team will receive a team Jacob or Edward tee shirt.

  • We're going to play movie charades and movie trivia and watch 2 different kinds of movies... a chick flick and a horror.

  • Then we'll have our awards ceremony because what's an awards party without awards?

    The awards are real trophies for like less than $10 for a dozen!! The awards aren't going to be that serious because we don't want to hurt anyone else's feelings. For example the awards will be for like biggest diva, or funniest personality and things like that.

  • In our basement I'm going to have a real stage that my dad and his friends are going to work on with wood.

I hope this helps you to make your big night great!!

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Mini Oscar Awards
by: Diva Girl

You can get small ones for cheap here.

Oscar Awards
by: Kristen

Where are you getting your Oscar awards from? I'm doing something similar and can't seem to find ones that look like yours for that cheap!

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