by Evelyn
Teen Manicure Party
My 13th Birthday Manicure Party and More...
When I turned 13, I wanted a really good party to celebrate my teenage years. I decided that I wanted to do something based around manicures so I called up every beauty salon in my area to get the best quote for a party. I eventually found one which offered a great deal. Hiring out a salon can be expensive, but if you ask for birthday packages, they are usually a better deal with lots of bonus extras.
On the day I picked up my 5 guests and we drove to the salon. We had the whole place to ourselves and my mom bought some snacks for us to nibble on. We each had our nails done by the professionals, and I got a pink base with white stripes coming from each side of my nails. It looked fantastic! After that we had a professional make-up session ad we all looked fabulous.
Next we went out shopping in town and we tried on loads of different clothes. I wore a tiara that said 'Birthday Girl' on it for the whole trip. What made it extra special was that there was a jazz festival happening in the town square on the day!
My best friend was insisting that we go to this really nice shop that her friend owns first and I was amazed when I saw a big cake with my name on it and a little present on the counter! She had arranged for me to have my own little party there! That will definitely be a shopping trip to remember!
After shopping, we all went to a pizza place. My mom and I had arranged for there to be a special reserved table in the window with a pink tablecloth and lots of balloons on the table for when we arrived. It looked amazing and we had delicious food too. After we ate the manager brought out my 3 layer cake out with decorations on and we each had a slice and then the whole restaurant sang Happy Birthday to me!! Then we let off party poppers which went everywhere! The other guests at the restaurant were seriously impressed and my friends loved it too!
Always phone up different restaurants to find the right one that is not too pricey but will make a good impression. Also, do not be afraid to ask what you can and can't bring and what facilities you can use, you will often get a much more enjoyable experience.
I would very much recommend having a birthday party similar to this because it is so much fun to celebrate becoming a teenager and your guests still talk about your party a year on!
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Jan 30, 25 11:31 AM
Jan 29, 25 01:36 PM
Oct 28, 24 01:23 PM