Baby Shower Games and Stuff

Fun Icebreakers And Printable Games

There's nothing like celebrating the arrival of a new baby.  Baby shower games are definitely not the highlight of such an occasion. The little guest of honor seems to steal the show every time.

baby shower games planner

That said, since everyone can't have the baby at the same time why not entertain the others with one of these games or activities.

Don't forget the invitations...

Want to add an extra personal touch to the shower? Create your own printable baby shower invitations. Include a favorite poem and a picture of the new baby (if a photo is available). The invitations will double as terrific keepsakes for guests and mom alike.

Baby Shower Trivia Games

  • Baby Trivia - This fun multiple choice baby shower games quiz will test how well you really know babies. It's the perfect game for a baby shower or mom's group. There's even a free printable version of this baby trivia game available upon request.

baby picture game
  • Name That Baby - Have each of your guests bring their baby picture and a recent picture of themselves to the shower. Set up numbers next to the baby pictures. (You can do this by folding small squares of paper in half, numbering them and placing them above the picture.)

    Set up letters next to the recent pictures. Give your guests a numbered list and have them write down which lettered photo they think matches each numbered photo.Wait till all the photos have arrived before displaying them (for obvious reasons).

    Note: Some women carpool to showers, so you may want to ask your guests not to show their photos to any of the other guests before giving them to you.

Unique Baby Shower Games

baby shower purse scavenger hunt
  • Baby Shower Scavenger Hunt - Want a fun, challenging hunt that doesn't require spring cleaning every nook and cranny in your home first? This baby shower scavenger hunt is composed of 13 rhyming clues related to babies. Have guests solve them and then find the items in their purses.

  • Ring A Bell Baby Shower Game - A great icebreaker to spark nostalgic and humorous conversation. There is no skill required to play this Ring a Bell baby shower icebreaker.

  • Baby Shower Candy Bar Game - A BRAND NEW alternative to the popular baby shower candy story games is now available. Our baby shower candy poem game was written exclusively by the Poem Lady and will make a fun addition to your next shower.

Coed Baby Shower Games

  • Baby Shower Family Feud - This is one of those addictively fun baby shower games. Use these internet survey results of baby related questions to play baby shower Family Feud.

  • Baby Shower Bingo - Make blank bingo cards, replacing the word 'bingo' with 'BABYO' and indicating a free space in the center. Before the new mom/mother-to-be begins opening her gifts, pass out the cards and have your guests write down(one item per square) things that might be in the packages.

    As the new mom/mother-to-be opens her gifts, participants can cross off items on their cards that match. First guest to get a 'bingo' (or 'babyo' in this instance) wins!

    Free Printable Baby Shower Bingo Cards

    There is another fun bingo style game on our party games page called Handbag Bingo. It is a unique variation and a lot of fun. Keep it in mind next time you're trying to come up with some great baby shower game.

Funny Baby Shower Games

  • Baby Shower Mad Libs - Add some laughter to your repertoire of games. Try our"An Adventure in Birthing" baby shower Mad Lib.

Nursery Rhyme Games

  • Nursery Rhyme Games - A collection of nursery rhyme games, including charades, mad libs, and name that nursery rhyme.

  • Nursery Rhyme Animals - Guess the popular nursery rhyme animals based on short descriptions of them from their applicable rhymes.

  • Nursery Rhyme Pictionary - A printable list of nursery rhyme titles and instructions for playing Pictionary.

Printable Baby Shower Games from Party Fun Printables

Baby Shower Memory Game

A Lot to Remember - Make up a large tray of baby stuff. (If you have to purchase it, you can always give it to the new mother afterwards.) Make sure there are a lot of items. The more the better because your guests will study the items even more intensely. Set a time limit.

While your guests are busy memorizing the items, find a way to discreetly remove the mother from the room.

When time is up give each guest a piece of paper and a pencil and begin asking questions about what the mother was wearing. Is her hair up, down, braided? Watch or no watch? What color eyeshadow? Lipstick or no lipstick? Is she wearing shoes? What color? Your questions will obviously depend on your 'celebrated mother'. It's fun to see how much your guests will actually remember, especially after trying so hard to memorize all of the baby stuff on the tray.

Variation: If the baby needs to sleep in another room (probably not) or the mother can somehow discreetly remove him/her, you could ask questions about the baby instead. Or you could ask questions about the mother and the baby?

Diaper Game Ideas

  • Diaper Derby Relay

    You'll need two large dolls, two diapers, four diaper pins, 2 containers or baby powder, 2 pair of baby pants, 2 baby shirts, 2 pair of baby shoes, and 2 baby hats for this game (add or subtract items as you see fit).

    Divide your guests into two even teams. Have a table and 2 containers of baby powder at one end of the room and line the two teams up at the other end.

    Give the first person on each team a fully dressed baby.

    At your signal these two must run to the table, fully undress the baby, powder the baby's bottom, put all the clothes back on and run the baby over to the next person on their team.

    Next person runs to the table, fully undresses the baby, powders the baby's bottom, etc. First team to have all its members complete the task wins.

  • Dirty Diaper Game - Submitted by Uva from the USA

    The dirty diaper baby shower game is a riot. First you take 10 different kinds of chocolate candy bars (Twix,Snickers,M&M's etc.) and melt them in 10 diapers, numbered accordingly (via the microwave). 

    Next, you have your guests number their papers from 1-10 and try to guess the exact type of "poop" in the diapers without tasting it.

    Even though most women consume candy bars on a regular basis, you'll be amazed that most people get them wrong!!!

    It's also funny to see the guests' reactions when they're looking at and sniffing the "poop"!

Baby Puzzle

If you are planning a shower after the baby is born, get a copy of the newborn's picture. Have it blown up to the size of a sheet of paper at a copy store or on someone's computer. Make as many copies as you want teams.

Glue the pictures on bristol board or card stock to give them some strength. Cut each picture into 20 or more even squares and put them in an envelope (one picture per envelope).

At the shower, divide your guests into teams and see who can put their baby puzzle together first.

Variation: Mount each picture on a different colored background. Then, cut each picture up and hide the pieces or mix them up and place them in one big pile. Tell each team the color they are looking for and then let them find their pieces and put their puzzle together. 

Kit N Kaboodle's Mini Baby Shower Game Collection

Try one of Kit N Kaboodle's baby shower games at your next baby shower. Games include:

  • Baby Sweet Concentration
  • Nursery Rhyme Rhetoric
  • Baby Word Scramble
  • Baby Animal Game
  • TV Show Children Game

Baby Animal Name Game

Hand out our list of animal names and have your guests write down as many of the respective baby animal names as they can think of. A printable list and answers can be found by clicking here. 

Baby Name Match Game

Test how well your guests know the meaning of various baby names. There is one name and meaning per letter of the alphabet. To view and print Baby Name Game. or any of the other printable baby shower games on this site you will need Adobe Reader installed on your computer.

You can get your free Adobe Reader here (a new window will open so you can download without leaving this page). 

Need more games? Many of the games on our Bridal Shower Games and Party Games pages can be adapted to use as baby shower games.  

Do You Have A Fun Baby Shower
Game Idea?

Don't keep it to yourself... Share it!

More Baby Shower Game Ideas

Click below to see games other visitors have shared.

My Water Broke - Baby Shower Game Not rated yet
Instructions for My Water Broke Baby Shower Game Take plastic cups and place a small plastic baby item in each. Fill with water and freeze, …

Guess Mommy's Belly Circumference Not rated yet
You may have played "Guess Mommy's Belly Circumference" at a baby shower before using a piece of string or something similar. To throw a twist into …

Priceless Baby - Baby Shower Game Not rated yet
For this Priceless Baby shower game all guests purchase "baby items" and participants try to guess what the original selling price was from the …

Bubble Gum Baby Game Not rated yet
The object of this Bubble Gum Baby game is for the guests to create the best "baby" out of pink bubble gum. Supplies,(1) each of the following for …

Baby Item "The Price is Right" Not rated yet
To play this baby shower Price is Right game , line up several baby items on a table (Desitin, wipes, rubber ducky, etc). In front of each item …

Guess the Baby Food Flavor Not rated yet
To play this baby shower game you'll need to buy 6-8 small jars of baby food, just the basic flavors (carrot, green beans, etc.) and number each …

Guess the Size of Mommy's Tummy Not rated yet
Before the party, take a piece of yarn and wrap it around the Mommy-to-be's belly. At the party, walk around to each person and have them cut a piece …

Click here to write your own.

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