25 Years of Friendship

by Stormy

This year my bestest friend, Carrie, and I celebrate 25 years of knowing each other.

We met April 1, 1985. Like any "marriage" there have been tough times for both of us... and a time once when we thought we'd be done. Somehow we always managed to talk, and we always laugh at each other and ourselves- and we've cried a bit. We have taught each other physics and self- awareness, craft making and knitting, bandages and CPR. I have seen her talk a doctor into keeping my husband in the cardiac intensive care unit for four more days, (telling him I needed the rest and she was there from out of state to see to it!) Then, we went snowmobiling in the Grand Teton mountains, and I saw her step in front of a bus to stop it from running me over! Of course, I fell because of her! We were laughing and talking so much.

She's held me when my mom and dad died, and I held her when her engagement broke and her boyfriends went weird. And we laughed and cried when each other got married. I look forward to our visits now. I'm afraid I won't know her since my diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, but I will always know her voice. Together, even if we are miles apart- we're still the closest two people could ever be. I love her - my bestest friend.

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Friends Forever
by: Anonymous

Yes, 25 years of friendship and still making memories. We have a very special type of friendship. The kind that few are lucky enough to have. I had a great time in Oregon but could have had a great time anywhere with Stormy. We have the type of friendship where you never stop talking or laughing. We can make anything fun and laugh at all our crazy mistakes. We have got lost in a parking mall and trying to get across a 4 way street with street barriers that make you go around and around to get to the other side and end up making it a memory that we can still laugh at. We always have someone to talk to and laugh with when we want to cry. We love red hatters and can look ridiculous and get others to be part of our fun. I am lucky I have a rare type of friend. Thats what life is about friends love and laughter. We give that to each other. Hope you have that too. As for alzheimers. Don't let Carolyn kid you she is such a smart person it'll take years for you to notice a difference in her. By then they will have a magical cure. The cure for now is for her to believe in herself. Now that's a cure for everything.

Nothing Beats a Great Friend
by: Wendy

Thank you so much for sharing this tribute to your friend. Sounds like Carrie will be the kind of person that will always remember you even if there comes a time when you cannot remember her. I suspect she will always look out for your best interests too.

I love hearing about long standing friendships. They are powerful and enrich our lives.

It's encouraging to see someone like you who is facing a big challenge taking the time and effort to recognize a friend.

You'll both be in my prayers!


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