by Stormy
This year my bestest friend, Carrie, and I celebrate 25 years of knowing each other.
We met April 1, 1985. Like any "marriage" there have been tough times for both of us... and a time once when we thought we'd be done. Somehow we always managed to talk, and we always laugh at each other and ourselves- and we've cried a bit. We have taught each other physics and self- awareness, craft making and knitting, bandages and CPR. I have seen her talk a doctor into keeping my husband in the cardiac intensive care unit for four more days, (telling him I needed the rest and she was there from out of state to see to it!) Then, we went snowmobiling in the Grand Teton mountains, and I saw her step in front of a bus to stop it from running me over! Of course, I fell because of her! We were laughing and talking so much.
She's held me when my mom and dad died, and I held her when her engagement broke and her boyfriends went weird. And we laughed and cried when each other got married. I look forward to our visits now. I'm afraid I won't know her since my diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, but I will always know her voice. Together, even if we are miles apart- we're still the closest two people could ever be. I love her - my bestest friend.
Comments for 25 Years of Friendship
Jan 30, 25 11:31 AM
Jan 29, 25 01:36 PM
Oct 28, 24 01:23 PM