Amazing 14th Birthday Limo Party

by Kassandra
(New York)

At 3:00 pm on Friday, me and my six best friends and three of my hot guy friends were picked up after school in a neon blue jacuzzi stretch limo. It was really cool. The limo could seat 24 people, (but there were only 10 of us) and it had zebra seats.

My parents didn't go in the car because it was my 'uncle' who ran the business and he chauffered us. We were still in our school uniforms but we didn't really care.

Since the screen between us and my uncle was soundproof, he couldn't hear or see what we did, so we played truth or dare and spin the bottle. It was really, really fun.

We even had the birthday cake in the limo. It was really fun.

Once we arrived at Universal Studios (where we were headed), he dropped us off. My parents had already booked the admissions. We went on rides and had dinner and did all sorts of fun stuff.

At one point we changed into our bathing suits and ran around the 'splash zone' at the water type show.

At 9 oclock we had to head back. We went in the jacuzzi in the limo and sat on towels in the car.
I opended presents then and got a Tiffany ring from a guy! From my parents I got a Chanel bag and a MacBook.

My friends all got Juicy Couture friendship bracelets and we all went out for charms for them.

We dropped the boys off at a local Westchester Coffee Shop where their parents met them.

My girlfriends and I spent the night at the Four Seasons. We ran around the lobby there and had so much fun. We also saw a movie and went shopping. We had an enitre different room from my mom, which was awesome. We gossiped, prank called, played truth or dare, made up hilarious dance moves, and had so much fun!

It was the best 14th birthday party ever.

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Birthday Party Limo
by: Orange County Limousine

Nice birthday celebration. Congrats!!!
Limos in Newport Beach

by: Anonymous

This sounds like an awesome party but would you suggest any way to get a break on the price. I would really like to do that for my 13th but my parents said it sounds too expensive. I could save my own money...but i only have 5 months left until my party. If anyone could suggest a way to have a cool party (like this one) within a budget of about $200....and my own money...about $100. So around $300. Thanks so much for the cool idea though. I'll try to revisit it for my 18th or my friends. THANKS SO SO MUCH!!!

Wow Cool But Not Realistic
by: Meeee

That is the awesomest party ever, but seriously... that would be expensive. Geez.

by: Anonymous

That sounds like a party that should be saved for an 18th birthday or something.

A little too much don't you think?

Let's Get Real
by: Anonymous

Most 14 year old girls and their parents can't afford the kind of party you described. Yes it sounds like a blast but it is easy to have a great time when you get a limo, Universal Studios and the Four Seasons Hotel for 1 teen birthday party. What about the vast majority of Americans who can't drop that kind of money for one evening? We have to be creative with limited funds. Figure out something that is fun, different and within the realm of a realistic budget. As you can probably tell, I am a mom trying to help my daughter plan a teen birthday party. So I am interested in those of you who had a great party that doesn't require big bucks to be successful.


There are numerous party ideas on this site that cost very little to host.

This is a section where visitors share about their parties and some may have grander parties than others. They shouldn't be excluded from sharing because of that.

Side Note: Some people who have friends and relatives who either own or work for limo companies and can get a fantastic break on the price.

As far as hotels are concerned, I live near one of the hottest tourist areas in Canada and there are off season specials to hotels that are so unbelievable that my friends will drive 10 minutes to stay at a hotel with their families just to have access to the indoor water parks, etc.

It would not be impossible to get a limo ride and a hotel stay for 4 girls for $100-150 at the right time of year. That might still be quite pricey for some but not outrageously so.

Reality Check here Chica!
by: Anonymous

Ok I had a party with like 12 of my bffs for my tenth bday except we went to the beach and got ice cream. Then we went and swam at my house. Ok .... I'm having a party AS BIG AS THAT for my 16th birthday...but still....WOW expensive here girlie!

My Party was awesome
by: Anonymous

OKay so my 10th birthday my parents did the same thing except I had 30 girls in the pink limo and no boys. We went to Broadway and then headed for girls land where we got free makeovers and walked into Barbie's land which was a dream come true. We went out for dinner at my favorite 5 star restaurant called Custy's (a sea food place which served awesome crab n lobsters). Then we went out ice-skating and skated with some cute guys. Then we headed back to our suite.

your party
by: Anonymous

wow, i hope i dont hurt your feelings but, this was actually a party i was expecting to be thrown for a 18 year old!

by: Anonymous

Im not rich im totally average and this sounds like a lot of fun but I DONT HAVE ENOUGH MONEY!

by: Anonymous

cool your party must have been fun

by: hottie#1

i wonder where you could get the limo from whats the number for booking my birthday is coming up soon so i wanted to have a cool party

tell me everything
by: wow

omg !!!!!!!!!!!

i would love to have the limo that you had for me and my friends it would be a dream come true .
how much was it :
whats the number for booking :

if you now could you write it down on this site thnx
ceyyya bye
it would be a dream come true.

by: Anonymous

sounds very very expensive. Getting all of them juicy bracelets plus a water park? plus a limo with a jacuzzi! wow

AWSOME!!! but...
by: Anonymous

Wow this seems like it was a really sweet party!!! The only thing is that it seems like you guys really went all out and spent a ton of money!
you must be rich!!! lucky macbook owner :)

Oh. MyGosh
by: Anonymous

I sincerely hope that you know reality isn't like that.

Gosh, my 14th birthday was... I dunno, a pool picnic?

I wonder what you're doing for Sweet 16, if this was just a 14th party.

I hope I don't sound bitter. But I'd encourage you and anyone else who's considering this party to think twice, and maybe invite a few less-than-hot guys to mix things up a bit. If you have this much money, your popularity won't suffer. Promise.

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