Blacklight Club 13th Birthday Party
by Taylor
(Warner Robins, Georgia, USA)
FIber Optic Light
Party Lights
GLitter Lava Lamps
Strobe Light
Blacklight Club 13th Birthday Party Supplies
I was turning into a teen so this was a BIG thing for me!! I asked around a couple of my friends and lots of them told me to host a dance party (since our school dances are extremely lame). I thought it would be a great idea!!
The party hasn't happened yet, but I have everything all planned out.
On Friday my school gets out an hour early so I'm taking 6 girls plus me (that makes 7) to the spa. They don't know that yet; it's going to be a suprise. (We're telling them that were going out for dinner.)
When we get to the spa we'll get our hair done and we'll do our makeup for the dance ahead of us. After that we will take the girls out for dinner... probably somewhere easy like Boston Pizza or something. Then we'll head back to where my party is located.
I'm having a big party and my house wouldn't fit 25 kids, so we rented out an empty side of a local rec center.
My party decor is going to be black and silver. I have theme coloured streamers balloons and glow in the dark stars that you can put up on the walls, so my decorations are set.
We're going to turn off all the lights so it'll be just like a club. There will be lava lamps, a bubble machine, blacklight strobe lights, and maybe a fog machine (if i can rent it in time).
I'll hand out glowsticks and I'm bringing my ipod and ipod dock to crank up the jams. Maybe I'll bring a few cd's as well.
This party will work great for boys and girls, but it depends on what you plan on doing.
The room is pretty large, with leather couches and lots of space to dance or chill out. This party is gonna be HUGE!!
Food: We will have small finger foods such as nachos, gummy candy, etc. For drinks we had to be creative. Since the party is club themed we got up this crazy idea to get clear pop such as Sprite and take neon food coloring and dye the pop so it looks like exotic colours, and so they'll look like real drinks you order at a club.
After everybody dances for about an 2 hours they'll all go home except for the ladies who came to the spa with me who are all going to spend the night at my house for lots of fun.
We'll have an at home spa were we'll do facials and give each other pedicures and manicures, watch lots of movies and have some pillow fights until we fall asleep (if any of us do).
The next morning I'm 100% sure that we'll all sleep in until the girls parent's come to get them at 11:30 am.