Bridal Shower Pass Along Poem

by Jeannie

Bridal Shower Gift Passing

Bridal Shower Gift Passing

A fun game for a shower is a this Bridal Shower Pass Along Poem. Guests pass around a gift as a poem is read and the person who has it at the end of the poem gets to keep it. It's so easy to play and every age can participate.

1. The news is out, quick send a cable. This poem goes to the lady across the table.

2.If someone wears a dress or blouse of blue, she must take this note from you. But if blue cannot be seen surely pink is just as keen.

3.Take this not and read the verse, pass it to the gal who carries the largest purse.If it is you keep the note. If not, then pass to the largest tote.

4. We're getting tricking, here's a real humdinger! Pass this note to the Gal with the most rings on her fingers.

5. You're doing great! what a success! pass this note to the girl with the most buttons on her dress.

6. Alas, the gift is not for you, but now it passes to the lady who, with rage, admits to being the oldest age!

7.Don't despair here's the next clue... this must be handed to the lady with the largest shoe.

8.(Say Brides Name) Is Anxious... (Grooms name) is nervous, pass this to the lady who drove the furthest.

9. The wedding date is getting closer, the bride and groom will have a ball, pass this to the lady who is most tall.

10. We hope you're all having fun. We tried to include most everyone. From the largest purse, to the largest shoe, pass this now to the gal right of you.

11. The shower is almost over and the punch is nearly gone. Pass this to the lady with the smallest earrings on.

12. There won't be time to practice there wont be time to rehearse pass this to the lady with the most money in her purse.

13. Roses are red, and violets are blue, pass this to the lady to the left of you.

14. We're ending this rhyme, tis the end of the poem. The centerpiece on the table is yours to take home!

Right Left Bridal Shower Game

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What if?
by: Annie

What happens if more than one person has on a certain color?

Reply: I would announce before the game that if there is ever a situation where there is more than one person fitting a certain scenario that it goes to the one closest to the right of the person with the gift, or closest to the left, or the oldest or the youngest (whatever you decide as long as there is one rule set before you start).

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