by Nicole Price
(Everett, PA 15537)
To make brown sugar weinies you'll need 2 packages of hotdogs (cut in 3-4 equal pieces), 2 packages of bacon (you'll get 3 pieces out of 1 slice), light brown sugar (about 1/2 a box), and toothpicks.
Roll the hotdog piece in a piece of bacon, when it overlaps, cut and secure with a toothpick. When all the weinies are in bacon, put them in a foil lined 13X9 pan and spinkle brown sugar on top all over (don't be stingy it adds great flavor). Bake at 350 for 60 minutes or until bacon is crispy.
About half way through, I take the pan out and take any drippings and spoon them over the brown sugar that hasn't melted yet.
When I pull them out I put them into my slow cooker and put that on low to keep them warm. Don't be afraid to make extra.
This is a favorite and is always the first thing to go at my family reunion.
Comments for Brown Sugar Weinies
Jan 30, 25 11:31 AM
Jan 29, 25 01:36 PM
Oct 28, 24 01:23 PM