Christmas Gift Exchange Game Ideas

by Linda
(South Carolina)

Christmas Gift Exchange Ideas

Christmas Gift Exchange Ideas

I need Christmas gift exchange game ideas. What are some fun ways to exchange gifts?

We have used the same one every year, where you pick a gift and then someone can steal it or pick a new gift. I need something different. Any ideas?

Christmas Gift Exchange Response

Hi Linda!

The answer to your question and over 30 gift exchange games are listed here.

Feel free to comment, ask questions, or share more ideas by commenting below.

Comments for Christmas Gift Exchange Game Ideas

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Christmas Gift Exchange App
by: Chloe

The Holiday Gift Exchange App is a fun twist on the traditional gift swaps or secret Santa.

All players bring a wrapped gift. The gifts are traded, shuffled, passed and swapped individually and as a group. You'll never know what gift you will go home with until the very end. You can find it at

It features unlimited number of players and you only need one device.

Left Right Game for Work
by: Heather

I want help coming up with the wording for the left right game for work. We have a fun office of different ages and our work is very serious, but we need to have fun.

Large Cocktail Party - Need Help
by: Alamedamom

Hi! I could use help figuring out a game for a large party. We have about 60 adults and 30 kids coming. Most will bring a wrapped gift and I'll have some extras on hand. It's a 4 hour party and not everyone will be there at the same time. I also don't have the space to gather everyone together in one room. How can I make gifting fun...behind just picking a number and matching it to a gift?


Vintage Game
by: Cyndi

I am hosting the school nurse Christmas party this year and have decided on a vintage gift exchange. I need help thinking of a game to go along with it. Any ideas?

Racking My Brain!
by: Jean

I would appreciate some help if anyone has an idea to solve my dilemma. I am having a Christmas party where 9 adults & 4 children will be attending. I need an idea of a creative game or exchange where all the adults give to the kids. The problem is 2 kids belong to one couple and the other 2 to another couple with all the rest of the adults--childless. The kids are different sexes and very different ages. If each child just brings a gift to give to another then several of the adults are left out and if we just open it up and let everyone just bring a generic gift and do a white elephant or left right game the teenage girl may get stuck with the gift meant for the toddler boy. Any ideas?

Toothpick Game Question
by: Lynda

In the toothpick game, if one person gets several
gifts how about those without a gift?

Personalize the Left/Right Christmas Story
by: Dangerdrangoness

Each year I write my own LEFT/RIGHT Christmas Story about the accomplishments (or embarrassments) of each of my family members or guests. It is the highlight of our day!

Reply: How ironic. I just wrote one of these personalized right left stories for someone. I'd love to see one of yours. Care to share?

Need the Story
by: Joy

I need a copy of the 'Twas the Night Before Christmas left right game.

White Elephant Poem
by: Ruby

I could not find the poem.

White Elephant Poem
by: Julie

The "White Elephant Poem" at is a lot of fun. The direct link is It's for a group of up to 50. If you have fewer than 50 just stop the numbers at the appropriate time. It was a blast and I highly recommend it.

My Ideas!
by: Hayley

I made up a lot of christmas present exchange ideas, too:
1) t-shirt trade
2) stocking presents
3) and more!

Oher Idea
by: Nicole

Zunker is the best gift exchange game. There are Christmas, birthday, and wedding editions. You should definitely include it in this list!
Check out their website:

Merry Xmas to Everyone
by: emo_brokEn

Hi! Your ideas here are great!

Click here to add your own comments

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