A coed baby shower game is in order if you've decided to invite the men along for the fun. Make it easy on yourself and them and play this simple ring a bell icebreaker.
All you need is a bell and a few small prizes. May the best man... I mean woman... I mean couple, single, person... WIN!
Don't know how to play? See our
Ring a Bell main page
for instructions.
02. ...the couple who tried to get pregnant for the longest period of time.
03. ...the person who has the most letters in the name on their birth certificate.
04. ...the person who can tell me the most embarrassing baby story.
05. ...the couple who between them have the most living grandparents.
06. ...the person who walked at the youngest age.
07. ...the person who can share the most unique potty training method they've ever heard of.
08. ...the couple who has attended the most prenatal classes together.
09. ...the couple with the biggest age gap between the birth of their first child and the birth of their last child.
10. ...the man who was farthest from home (or wherever his partner was) when she went into labor.
11. ...the person whose birthday is closest to the birthday of one of their children, or one of their parents (whichever applies).
12. ...the woman whose birth weight was heavier than the birth weight of her spouse (if this is the case for more than one woman, the winner is the one with the biggest difference in birth weights between her and her spouse).
13. ...the person with the funniest advice for the new parents to be.
14. ...the person who had the most unusual or funniest childhood nickname.
15. ...the first person who can write down and present me with the titles of 5 Dr. Seuss books.
Baby Shower Ring a Bell
Twin Baby Shower Ring a Bell
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