by Darcy
Along with invitations to the reunion, send a request for interesting but little known bits of trivia about family members. When everyone arrives at the reunion, provide them with lists with items like:
Who is the oldest person here?
The youngest?
Who traveled the farthest?
Who has the most children?
Be sure to include information that you gleaned from your trivia request, like:
Who married their elementary school sweetheart?
Whose birthday is the same as Elvis Presley?
Who wanted to be a bubblegum designer when they grew up?
Who once dyed their hair five different colors in a single year?
The first one to complete the list correctly wins a small prize, but the real reward is in getting to know your far-flung family members.
Comments for Family Scavenger Hunt
Jan 30, 25 11:31 AM
Jan 29, 25 01:36 PM
Oct 28, 24 01:23 PM