by Maliya
(Vero Beach)
Fashion Night Tiara
I'm going to a clubhouse and when me and my V.I.Pz arrive there will be a
red carpet at the entrance.
When someone walks in they will have their picture taken.
My V.I.Pz will have escorts to walk them inside.
My grandma will be cooking (everyone will be familiar with her cooking because it's just my family and my friends that come over all the time that are going to be there).
There will be dancing and music, door prizes, mingling, and a tiara celebration.
Instead of doing the traditional flat shoe to a high heel shoe, I want to do no tiara at the beginning and then in the middle of my party my dad will present a tiara to symbolize that I'm growing into a woman.
My colors are blue, green, purple, and silver.
Sounds like an exciting graduation to womanhood. I especially love the symbolism of having your dad present the tiara to you. Very cool!
It's always special when families are close like yours seems to be. Happy Birthday!
Jan 30, 25 11:31 AM
Jan 29, 25 01:36 PM
Oct 28, 24 01:23 PM