Game idea submitted by Tracey McKinney (Spring, TX USA)
Guess That Spice is the perfect game for a kitchen bridal shower, especially at a vineyard or a restaurant.
The one that gets the most right will win a spice rack that the bride has registered for and you could "hint" that she did so to everyone in case they wanted to give it to the bride.
Great game idea Tracey. It's always fun and a little challenging to test our senses.
I will assume that the little bottles are labelled 1-10 so that guesses transferred to paper correspond with each ot the numbers. To assist those who may not have the time or tools to create guess sheets for their guests, I have prepared a Guess That Spice game sheet that can be downloaded and used. SImply print one for each guest or team.
Alternatively, you could also display small bunches of fresh herbs with tags numbered 1-10 and use the same printable for the game.
For those creating a cheat sheet of spices, here are a few spices that are colorful and popular.
For a full size printable version of this game, please fill in the form below.
Great Idea
You could let the participants know ahead of time that they will be trying to "Win a Spice Rack for the Bride". Then, you could give the winner the little sample spices used in the game so they would have something to show for their "knowledge" too.
Jan 30, 25 11:31 AM
Jan 29, 25 01:36 PM
Oct 28, 24 01:23 PM