by Jessica
(Janesville, WI)
You need to go door to door and ask people if they have these items to complete your scavenger hunt. first team to return to Hailey's house with all of their items wins!!! You may return without all the items on the list, but whoever has the most on the list is the winning team. Good Luck girls!!!!
1. A package of beef flavored Ramen noodles.
2. A package of orange Kool Aid.
3. A pork bullion cube. lol.
4. A can of diced beets. eew!!
5. A shoelace (any color will do)
6. A red button.
7. Any travel size toiletries (toothpaste, shampoo, etc.)
8. A roll of toilet paper.
9. A baby diaper.
10. A number 2 pencil.
11. A sponge.
12. A piece of bologna. haha
13. A fifty cent piece.
14. A super ball.
15. A piece of Big Red gum.
Jan 30, 25 11:31 AM
Jan 29, 25 01:36 PM
Oct 28, 24 01:23 PM