Halloween Dance Party

by Melanie Bluck
(Folsom, California, USA)

Rib Cage Halloween Party Cake

Rib Cage Halloween Party Cake

My Halloween dance party was so awesome! I was the host.

First we hung out in the garage opening presents. Then we wrapped my parents in toilet paper (my team won) and threw it all around the garage.

When it was dark and we went inside and the house was completely tranformed! The only light came from candles and the fog machine was going.

Songs from Midnight Syndicate Gates of Delerium were playing.

We had the cake that my family and I had made (see above). It had a white chocolate ribcage that stood up, a chocolate heart, yellow cake lungs, and spice cake liver and stomach and it was covered in raspberry sauce for blood!

Finally we danced with a strobe light!


Sounds like you had a blast at your party. You did an awesome job on the cake. How fun. I haven't seen a rib cage cake before, so WOW... I am impressed by your handiwork.

I'm guessing your friends won't forget your party for a very long time.

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