Share YOUR most creative ideas for a Haunted Hollywood Halloween Party. Click on the category below that you wish to submit to or just click through to see other visitor's ideas. Oh... and remember to come back later to share your party GOSSIP!
INVITATIONS - To give your imagination a kick-start... think old hollywood, glamor, mystery... Will your party take place at a sound stage or at the home of a rich hollywood actress? Will your haunted hollywood halloween party invitations be sent via email, snail mail, or hand delivered by a character that will be in attendance at your party? Will your invitations be made of paper or is there another creative possiblity?
Share your invitation ideas HERE!
DECORATIONS - The possibilities range from a luxury party in an exclusive hotel to a casting party in an old theater. What will you use to create the look and feel of your haunted hollywood halloween party location of choice?
Share your decorating ideas HERE!
FOOD - Devilled eyeballs drizzled in beet juice sounds hauntingly delicious. Don't you agree? Or how about hors d'oeurves and drinks named after famous hollywood icons for a classier feel. Create a menu to highlight your party delectables for even more fun.
Share your food and recipe ideas HERE!
GAMES and ACTIVITIES - Will your party focus on drama or intelligence, glamor or mystery? What games do you think will set off the mood of your party and get your visitors interacting? What activities will keep their interests piqued?
Share your game and activity ideas HERE!
PRIZES and FAVORS - If you're playing games you'll need prizes and it's so much more fun when the prizes correspond with the theme. Likewise, it's always a nice touch to send your quests home with a small favor to thank them for coming and as a little reminder of all the fun they had?
Share your prize and favor ideas HERE!
COSTUMES - A haunted hollywood halloween party just screams for costumes. Will you create a costume based on an old hollywood legend or choose a scary character from a popular hollywood movie? Who will you be and how will you build the perfect costume? If you don't plan to make your own costume, where will you purchase or rent it and what will it look like? Please don't skimp on the details.
Share your costumes ideas HERE!
Jan 30, 25 11:31 AM
Jan 29, 25 01:36 PM
Oct 28, 24 01:23 PM