Hollywood Movie Premiere Party

by Annie Sheehan
(Wilmette, IL)

Diva Shades

Diva Shades

This Hollywood Movie Premiere party was for my 11th birthday, but some of my friends were already 12. We sent out invitations in fancy lettering on star covered pieces of papers. We included a pair of cheap sunglasses that you can get at party stores with it.

The invitation said that there would be tons of paparazzi everywhere, so you should dress up and wear the sunglasses we included because the flashes of the cameras would be everywhere!

I didn't think any of my friends would go for the dressing up, but they all did! Everyone looked fabulous!

We had a red carpet leading up to my door, then on the door were silver and gold stars with everybody's names on them, and we had silver and gold streamers and glittery stuff! Everyone loved finding their name, and at the end they got to take it home!

My older brother also wore a suit and tie, and had the video camera as he interviewed each girl as she came in.

Once everybody was there, we played some top songs and everyone was singing at the top of their lungs and jumping up and down.

After that, my mom bought a black tablecloth with gold and silver stars all over it and some plastic champagne glasses. We poured lemonade into it and we got to be all fancy.

We also bought the big bags of popcorn chicken and bagel bites and bagel dogs from Costco as our fingers foods. Instead of a cake, because my parents didn't want mess in the basement, my mom made star shaped butter cookies and chocolate chip bars. Everybody got to have two or three, and it was fine that we had that instead of cake.

My mom grouped us into teams and gave each team post its and a marker. She then gave us Hollywood and movie trivia questions, and we tried to get it right. We had to yell ding after we wrote it down, and then my mom checked our answer to see if it was right! It was so much fun!

After that, we all settled down for our movie premiere- the Hairspray from a long time ago. (The one that your parents went to see together when they were teens.) It was great because everyone sat down and watched it because no one had seen it before. And, everyone thought it was really good!

Our goody bags were the sunglasses, and an initial magnet and pad of paper from Old Navy that my mom got for like a dollar each.

This party was fun, cheap, and easy! All of my friends loved it so much that one of them did it for her birthday party! I had a blast!

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More Movie Party Ideas
by: Anonymous

For my 12th birthday movie party, the invites were tickets that you had bring to get in.

When eveyone arrived we played a game where you had to find ballons with points inside. The team that had the most got 2 movie passes.

Next, we handed out Oscars (the goodie bags) to the guests.

Then, we had pizza snd opened presents.

After that I sent everyone to my room so we could get the "consession stand" up. When they came back down I had music playing and handed out food tickets so they could purchase their food while we waited for the movie to set up.

We watched "You Again". It was hilarious. Then, we had a pillow fight.

A Night to Remember
by: Mariah Soilis - Canada

I went to my friend's birthday party and we had a blast :) She told us to dress up all fancy. Outside of her house was a red carpet. Her mom bought "prom dresses" and we dressed up almost all night. Her basement was really, really dark. We shut off all the lights and we played hide and go seek in the dark with our cell phones.

The invitations were very plain... nothing special, but there were nice and written on them was, "A night to remember..."

The place was decorated in an old fashion Hollywood dress up kind of style.

This party was one of the best parties I've ever been too!!!

Awesome Party Ideas
by: Anonymous

That's cool! I'm going to do that, but mix some stuff in to fit my friends' personalities more.

My 10th Hollywood Birthday Party
by: Jenny

My 10th birthday party had to be my fav! I had a Hollywood theme. I sent out fancy invitations. Everyone came dressed as someone famous. For activities we had a fashion show and walked down the red carpet. LOL! It was so much fun. Add some of your own personality and turn it into an awesome party!!!

An Even Better Idea
by: Anonymous

Hey. I'm turning 13 and my party is themed Hollywood club. I'm making V.I.P passes that guests have to have when my dad has the checklist of people. I am getting a beautiful dress. Everyone will sit in the living room and I'll come down the stairs singing on my karaoke machine. (I'm a singer). We'll have sparkling apple cider in wine glasses, dance to music, and then have a photo shoot of each girl. Then, at night, or, the After Party, we'll change into PJs and do whatever we want. Make videos and post them online. It'll be awesome.

by: gabby from bim

my 13th bday is coming up can it work for that too?

It's Kool
by: Jessica

I like ur idea. Hope u had fun. I did a party like this before but I like this one too. I guess I should try it again. thanx girl!

by: Anonymous

I might tweak a little here and there but this is so cool. I'm going to mix this and the America's Next Top Model party idea together.

2 cool
by: Kat528

This is such a great idea!! thanks so much for writing this!! I am turning 14 in May and had no idea. but now I do!! Thanks Again!!! =D

Hollywood Stars
by: Gabi from Florida

At my 10th b-day my mom rented a limo and i picked up all my friends. Then when we all got to my house there was photo people and a red carpet. When we got to the middle my aunt introduced us as our fav movie star and interviewed us.

WE also made stars [black and silver] to put on our bedroom doors with our names and hand prints. And of course and fashion show!

Hollywood Theme Party
by: Jayne from England

I went to my friends birthday party a couple of years ago. It was a Hollywood theme and everyone came dressed up as there favourite star. Some of the costume ideas were crazy, such as Tarzan and Spongebob (even though there not really celebritys). I went as Kiera Knightley, it was such a laugh.

We entered the room via the main door which had a red carpet running down the middle and a massive banner outside that said 'AWARD CEREMONY TONIGHT'. There was also montage of paparazzi to greet us.

While there, we danced to music, ate snacks and made conversation.

In the last hour of the party we all gathered on a bunch of seats and my friends dad came on the stage and started giving out rewards. There was a reward for almost everything. Like best dressed, best dancer, worst dancer. It went on forever but it was funny watching people accept their awards. I got one for talking the most. Ha ha ha ha ha!! But it was a brilliant party. I'll never forget it!!!

good job!
by: hollwoodgirl

WOW! im 11 years old too. when i read this i felt like having the same thing! youre helping me too! thanks to you im going to have a great party.

this is
by: Anonymous

this is a great idea thanks 4 help
can i do this 4 my 13th party please

this is...
by: belza

this is awesome. It is a really good idea. thaks 4 the help.

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