Love Letter Mad Lib

Fill in the "word" blanks of this love letter mad lib before you scroll down to complete and read the story. 

Valentine Love Letter Mad Lib

A printable version of the game is available below if you would like to use it at your next valentine party, bridal shower, girls night, or birthday party.

Mad Libs Parts of Speech Tutorial

An ADJECTIVE describes something or somebody. (eg. large, shiny, pink, noisy)
An ADVERB tells how something is done. It modifies a verb and usually ends in “ly”. (eg. slowly, quietly, carefully, lazily)
NOUN is the name of a person, place or thing. (eg. box, girl, grocery store, president)
VERB is an action word. (eg. present tense verbs - walk, sleep, eat) (eg. past tense verbs - walked, slept, ate) (eg. ing verbs - walking, sleeping, eating)
An EXCLAMATION is and sort of outcry or descriptive sound. (eg. Ouch! Eureka! Yuck!)
PLURAL means more than one. (eg. dogs, ditches, houses)
Note: Specific words like numbers, colors, animals, body parts, etc. may also be asked for. 

Love Letter Mad Lib Word List

Fill in the blanks below with the words and parts of speech noted beside each blank.

____________________(01) your sweetheart's name

____________________(02) time of day (eg. afternoon)

____________________(03) body part

____________________(04) adjective

____________________(05) adjective

____________________(06) present tense verb

____________________(07) body part

____________________(08) adjective

____________________(09) body part

____________________(10) present verb

____________________(11) day of the week

____________________(12) adjective

____________________(13) adjective

____________________(14) adjective

____________________(15) present tense verb

____________________(16) present tense verb

____________________(17) adjective

____________________(18) item of clothing

____________________(19) holiday (eg.easter)

____________________(20) present tense verb

____________________(21) noun

____________________(22) your name

Love Letter Mad Lib Story

Transfer your answers above to the corresponding numbers in the story below.

Dear _____________(01):

I woke up this _________________(02) and my _________________(03) blushed at the thought of you. You are not only ________________(04), but very _________________(05).

Every time I _________________(06) you my ________________s(07) become ________________(08) and my _________________s(09) begin to _________________(10).

I can't wait till _________________(11) night. I have a _________________(12) surprise for you. It is ________________(13), _________________(14), and _________________s(15) alot. I hope you will _________________(16) it foever.

I will be wearing the _________________(17) _________________(18) you gave me last _________________(19). I know how much you love to _________________(20) me in it.

Hugs and Kisses

Your Favorite _________________(21),


For a printable version of this love letter mad lib,
please fill in the form below.

Please Send Me the Printable Love Letter Mad Libs

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Love Libs  Valentine Message Game

Printable Mad Libs for Valentine's Day
Printable Valentine Game by Print Games Now

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