Mall Savenger Hunt List

by Alex
(Woodstock, Georgia, USA)

Mall Scavenger Hunt List

Mall Scavenger Hunt List

This mall scavenger hunt list requires teams to take photos, shoot video, and find items.

Rules: You have to at least complete 16 tasks out of the entire list. But the more you complete the merrier; the winner will be based upon how much and well they completed the tasks. Also you can’t just do one subject, must do some tasks in all categories; videos, pictures, and samples.

  • MNG-One member of the group
  • NG- Within the group
  • G- Entire Group


1. MNG with a guy that has a moustache
2. MNG with a person with blue, green, or purple hair
3. MNG with a Mickey Mouse stuffed plush
4. MNG with a brown or white bunny
5. MNG in a machine operated vehicle (quarter rides)
6. Boy NG with high heels on
7. MNG with a security guard
8. MNG with sunglasses on
9. Boy NG wearing a tiara
10. Girl NG wearing something with Etowah colors on it
11. MNG with HOT pink high heels on
12. Girl NG hiding behind a bush
13. Boy & Girl NG in Cowboy Hats
14. Boy NG wearing a prom dress that a girl NG picked out
15. Girl NG acting as a manikin
16. G in an elevator
17. MNG “sleeping” on a couch or chair


18. MNG hiding in a clothes rack and scaring a stranger
19. MNG following a random stranger
20. MNG asking 3 random strangers “Where’s Waldo?”
21. G riding in the kiddie train
22. MNG asking a girl that is getting their eyebrows stringed if it hurts
23. G get a stranger to talk in a British accent
24. Boy NG saying a cheesey pick-up line to a random girl
25. G get 3 strangers to do the ‘YMCA’ with you
26. MNG stand outside the bathroom and say “Congratulations! You made it!” to a stranger that walks out


27. Food Sample
28. A BLUE gumball
29. 3 napkins from 3 DIFFERENT food places
30. A strangers autograph
31. An old price tag
32. Shopping bag from Build-a-Bear

You Pick (video, photo, item):

33. G find 3 strangers to do the wave with you
34. MNG find something with a 16 on it
35. MNG waving to a random person while on the 2nd floor to a stranger on the 1st floor

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More Ideas
by: Pieta - New Zealand

Go to a clothing store and dress up in the silliest costume. Take a photo with your team and the most ugly or silly wins.

Go up to a shop keeper or random person and ask for their signature!

Oh, when you are at the clothing store with the silly outfit on, go to a random person and ask them if they like your outfit! Ha ha ha.

I'm doing this for my party. It's going to be so much fun!!! I can't wait.

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