Mothers Day Ideas
"No language can express the power and beauty and heroism of a Mother's love."
- Edwin H. Chapin -
Many of us can relate to Chapin, and so we search for Mothers Day ideas that will, through our actions if not our words, express the feelings of our heart.
A mother epitomizes sacrifice, patience and unfailing love. She possesses the wisdom that can instantly bring order to chaos, and the smile that makes even the most severe hardship bearable. It is when we see ourselves through out Mother's eyes that we realize our hopes and dreams are truly attainable because she stands behind us to push us forward, in front of us to clear the path, and beside us to support us when we falter.
Mother's Day is a time set aside to honour those women who work tirelessly , without recognition or complaint, and have dedicated their lives to the happiness and success of others.
Abraham Lincoln said, "All that I hope to be, I owe to my mother". If you are looking for a way to express your thanks and appreciation to a special woman in your life, here is a list of great Mother's Day ideas that will be sure to make her feel like a queen.
Mother's Day Brunch
- Print invitations on beautiful polka dot paper, or if having a champagne brunch, find a champagne bottle pattern.
- Cover tables with linen table cloths and folded linen napkins. If possible use good china.
- Place a fancy, crystal champagne glass at each place setting and use vases of fresh cut flowers as center pieces.
- Serve typical brunch foods such as omelets, quiches, and fresh fruits.
- Play various Mother's Day trivia games or allow guests to share stories about the contributions mothers (or mother figures) have made in their lives.
Mother's Day Picnic
- If the weather is nice, pack a fancy picnic lunch, spread a tablecloth or blanket on the grass, and allow Mom to enjoy a relaxing afternoon in the sun.
- If planning a larger party, use a picnic basket pattern as an invitation and find a botanical gardens that will allow you to bring in rented tables.
- Cover tables with colorful cloths, and use potted flowers and bowls of chocolate covered strawberries as decorations.
- Place a red carnation at each place setting - this is the official Mother's Day flower and also makes a great little favor for guests to take home.
- Activities could include a tour or walk through the gardens, or games such as lawn bowling and bocce ball.
Gardener's Party for the Mom Who Loves to Garden
- Print party particulars on a cover that can be attached to a package of garden seeds, or open seed envelope and insert invitation inside.
- For centerpieces, use potted or flowering plants that Moms can take home and replant in their gardens.
- Activities could include gardening trivia, decorating flower pots, or making garden accessories such as stepping stones or bird feeders.
- If you want to give the moms a special gift, make up a gardening care package including seeds, gloves, and garden tools.
Mother Daughter Victorian Tea Party
- Find an elegant invitation printed in Victorian script and tuck a tea bag inside.
- Create an elegant atmosphere using linen tablecloths, fine china and fresh cut garden flowers.
- Find various cups and saucers at discount or second hand stores and place a different cup and saucer at each setting, signifying the uniqueness of each woman (or Mom) present.
- Also, since there are so many varieties of tea available, you could also put a different flavor of tea in each cup.
- To create an atmosphere, play classical music or hire a stringed quartet for guests to enjoy while sipping tea and nibbling on scones, muffins, and pastries.
- Ask guests to come in gloves and hats, and present each lady with a corsage upon arrival. As an alternative, you could purchase plain hats or have guests bring one, and provide the necessary supplies for a hat decorating contest.
- Have fancy stationary available and ask each daughter to write something special about her mother, and vice-versa.
- For a smaller affair, reserve a table at a local tea room.
Dance Night
What better way to celebrate being a mother than a night on the town, whether it be "ladies only" or a family affair.
- Pre-book a night of ballroom, salsa, or line dancing lessons.
- Ask permission to set up a refreshment table with an elegant punch, fancy chocolates, fresh fruit, and crackers and cheese.
- Decorate the table with vases of red carnations, and allow each lady to take a flower with them when they leave.
- Create hand-made ribbons or purchase inexpensive trophies to present to the "best dancer", "least co-ordinated dancer", "most hilarious dancer" or whatever other category you choose.
- Make plans to go to a sushi bar or dessert café afterwards so guests can show off their awards, and maybe even try out some of their new dance steps.
Queen for a Day Spa Party
Every woman loves to be pampered so why not book a spa day for Mom and some of her closest friends and family?
- Use a printed invitation or send baskets of bath salts, fancy soaps, and travel size body lotions.
- Arrange to have Mom picked up in limousine, and have the driver present her with flowers and chocolates.
- Many spa packages include refreshments, but you could make it extra special by ensuring that some of Mom's favorites are also served.
- Once everyone has been relaxed and beautified, move the gathering to mom's favorite restaurant for a special dinner.
- Home Spa Party Ideas
Era Party
For a little bit of nostalgia, host a evening to commemorate the "era" mom was born.
- This could include a fifties sock hop, a sixties "flower child" theme, or a forties USO party.
- Decorate accordingly and ask guests to come in costume.
- Set up a stage and have a karaoke contest where guests sings songs from the decade.
- Have a photo table displaying pictures of the honored Mom(s) throughout the years and ask friends and family to share their fondest memories.
- Serve a buffet featuring popular foods of the time, and maybe even include a dance contest.
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