by Alyssa
Scene It Party Game
I hosted a movie night party with the whole theme centered around movies.
What we did first was we played Scene It movies.
Next, we had cake and ice cream.
Then, we all at the same time randomly picked a movie name from a hat. After we picked what movie to watch we made popcorn and had candy while watching the movie.
After the movie was over the girls opened presents and called it a night.
It was the best movie night party I have ever had!
Movie Trivia for Teens
Printable Movie Games
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by Cassie
For a movie night you could hang posters of the movie you are watching.
For food you have to have popcorn. Some party stores sell those popcorn bags with the red and white stripes on them and fill them with popcorn. You can grill hot dogs and hamburgers like at the movie theater. For candy you can have Hershey bars, dots, and all that good stuff
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Jan 30, 25 11:31 AM
Jan 29, 25 01:36 PM
Oct 28, 24 01:23 PM