by Dana Alford-Armstrong
(Washington, DC)
My mother was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. She is a strong woman and I know with GOD & Prayers we will get through this...
Sometimes she has days in which she just can't bare the pain, but she is not going to give up and let this get the best of her.
My mother is a woman that when you meet her she touches everyone's heart... She is the back bone of our family...
I love my mother with all my heart and it hurts me to see my mother hurt. I just want to take her pain away...
My prayers are with you and your mom, Dana. Moms are too special for words.
Thank you on behalf of all daughters for being strong for your mom. I know she needs you.
Diva Girl Parties and Stuff
Jan 30, 25 11:31 AM
Jan 29, 25 01:36 PM
Oct 28, 24 01:23 PM