86 - Lose Weight
06 - Stop Smoking
06 - Exercise
02 - Get a New Job
Name something people do at exactly 12:00 am on January 1st.
82 - Kiss
10 - Shout “Happy New Year”
06 - Toast
02 - Blow Horns/Noisemakers
Til what time do New Year's Eve parties traditionally run?
58 - 2:00 a.m.
35 - 1:00 a.m.
05 - 3:00 a.m.
02 - 12:30 a.m.
Name a popular New Year's Eve tradition.
24 - Champagne toast
20 - Party/Dance
18 - Drinking
16 - Ball drop/Times Square
12 - Fireworks
06 - Kissing at Midnight
04 - Countdown
Name a popular New Year's Eve symbol.
26 - Ball/ball drop
25 - Baby New Year
14 - Party Hat
12 - Champagne/Martini glass
09 - Father Time
08 - Fireworks
04 - Clock
02 - Stars
Name a food served at New Year's for luck.
59 - Black-eyed peas
12 - Sauerkraut
09 - Champagne
08 - Cabbage
07 - Shrimp
05 - Fortune Cookies
Name a popular New Year's Eve party theme.
22 - Masquerade/Costume
20 - Hollywood/Movie stars
14 - White/Silver & Black
13 - Mardi Gras
13 - Black tie/Formal
07 - 80s
06 - Disco
05 - 50s
Name a movie with a memorable New Year's Eve scene.
40 - When Harry Met Sally
23 - Sleepless in Seattle
18 - It's A Wonderful Life
15 - New Year's Eve
04 - Home Alone
Name a country that celebrates New Year's at a time other than January 1st.
78 - China
06 - Japan
06 - Australia
04 - Russia
03 - Israel
03 - France
Name something most people buy for their New Year's Eve party.
52 - Champagne/alcohol
20 - Noisemakers
17 - Party Hats
07 - New clothes/Dress
04 - Food/Snacks
Name something you might rent for New Year's Eve.
29 - Limo/car
16 - Tuxedo
11 - Karaoke Machine
09 - DJ
09 - Movie
07 - Costume
06 - Banquet Hall
06 - Disco Ball
04 - Chairs
03 - Decorations
Name a song often played on New Year's Eve other than Auld Lang Syne.
52 - 1999 (Prince)
30 - Celebration (Kool and the Gang)
10 - Happy New Year
06 - For He's A Jolly Good Fellow
Where do people often celebrate New Year's Eve?
47 - New York City/Times Square
23 - Home
12 - Friend's House
11 - Night Club/Bar
07 - Dance/Party
Name someone who has co-hosted “Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve” party.
84 - Ryan Seacrest
05 - Regis Philbin
05 - Ed McMahon
04 - Oprah Winfrey
02 - His wife (Kari)
Name a popular New Year's gift.
53 - Champagne/Wine
26 - Engagement Ring/Jewelry
10 - Money
05 - Calendar
04 - Kiss
02 - Flowers
Valentine Family Feud
Christmas Family Feud
Halloween Family Feud
Jan 30, 25 11:31 AM
Jan 29, 25 01:36 PM
Oct 28, 24 01:23 PM