Hey Girls! Let's get together and plan a party a month!
You know what they say... two heads are better than one and besides, it's so much more fun to plan a party with friends than to do it all alone. Great ideas spark more great ideas and together we can create a year of truly unique one-of-a-kind parties.
Each month a party theme title will be posted and then it's time to start using our creativity and imaginations to come up with the best invitations, decorations, food, games, activities, prizes and favors to suit the theme.
I can't wait to see what we come up with for this month's Party of the Month!
Oh... one last thing... after the planning is done it's time to host a party. We may not all host a party every month, but when we do it's time to dish. That's right! Take the time to come back and post your party gossip. How was your party? What were the highlights? Who made you laugh? Who did something really crazy? What ideas did you use?
If your guests will allow you to capture a photo of them, share that too. If not, shoot a picture of your decorations or food platter, whatever you find that captures the ambience of your party.
Click HERE to Share Your Ideas for this Month's Theme
Click HERE to Share Your Ideas for last Month's Theme
Do YOU have a creative theme idea you'd like to see featured? Share it in the form below and you just might see it posted here as one of our upcoming party planning themes.
Jan 30, 25 11:31 AM
Jan 29, 25 01:36 PM
Oct 28, 24 01:23 PM