Photo Scavenger Hunt Rules:
Someone from your team and a stranger must be pictured in each photo. You must use a different stranger for each picture.
Have fun and enjoy meeting new people!
How many of these snapshots can you get in the allotted time?
1. A member of your group carrying a stranger’s packages/groceries to their car. ___
2. A member of your group dancing with a stranger.
3. A member of your group posing with a stranger who you’ve convinced to try on and model an outfit, several sizes too big or too small. ___
4. One or more members of your group posing with a stranger beside a fire hydrant. ___
5. A member of your group walking a stranger’s dog.
6. A member of your group kissing a stranger’s hand.
7. A member of your group helping a stranger cross the street.
8. A member of your group serving a stranger at a fast food restaurant. ___
9. A member of your group braiding a stranger’s hair. ___
10. A member of your group pulling a stranger on a wagon or pushing them in a wheelbarrow. ___
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Jan 30, 25 11:31 AM
Jan 29, 25 01:36 PM
Oct 28, 24 01:23 PM