Picture Pirate Scavenger Hunt at the House
by Michelle Gilbert
Pirate Baby Shower
For this picture pirate scavenger hunt, divide into two teams and establish a Team Captain
You will need two digital cameras, but you don't even need to leave house. It's great for teenagers or adults. We used at my adult pirate baby shower.
Picture Pirate Scavenger Hunt List
10 pts for a picture of sword fight
05 pts picture of a gold coin
05 pts picture of a parrot
05 pts for picture of someone with a beard
10 pts picture of a crew acting drunk
10 pts of a picture of 3 crew members wearing a bandana or head scarf
15 pts for picture of crew aboard their ship
10 pts for picture of member of your crew walking the plank
10 pts if you can name 10 pirate Captains
05 pts picture of hold knife to someone throat
20 pts!!!- Photograph each member of your group separately, in the 'Capitan Morgan stance.
10 pts for a picture of a crew member making mean face
05 pts for pirate in a skirt showing you some leg
15 pts for a picture of 3 wenches holding drinks
05 pts for a picture a small child or baby pirate
05 pts for picture of pirate with flower in hair
10 pts picture of crew member drinking straight from bottle of rum (adults only)
10 pts for 2 pirates kissing
25 pts for 2 pirates just met each other at party (stranger kiss)
10 pts for a pirate showing his muscles
10 pts for a picture of crew member that wearing eye patch
20 pts for picture of someone's showing you their clothed booty (no naked booty pictures please)
10 pts for a picture of someone's tattoo
Extra-15pts awarded to the team that takes the most risky tattoo picture (under clothing area) wooohooo! (may want to take this off list if teenage party)
Things to Demonstrate at End of Hunt
20 pts!!! Entire crew must sing a pirate song
05 pts if someone does a jig
50 pts.-Have your team learn how (demonstrate later) to tie a real seafaring knot.
20 pts if you can name 15 pirate movies
10 pts if you can name 10 famous piratesMore Pirate Party Ideas
Pirate Party Supplies
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