Pirate Scavenger Hunt

by Grace
(Salem, OR)

Pirate Scavenger Hunt

Pirate Scavenger Hunt

We had a great time with this "Grown-up" Pirate Scavenger Hunt and it requires no set-up! It was a pirate themed scavenger hunt around my home town. The players were all adults who had a great time.

Each team needs a camera of some sort and a car to play the game. I have included all 4 lists and original rules. The 100 point goals were the same on all 4 lists. I removed the goals that were too city-specific so it can be used anywhere. Feel free to adapt the rules and game to fit your party and town.


Welcome fellow pirates! Now that you have gathered your crew it's time to sail the streets! As a pirate we want you to lie, cheat, and steal your way through this game but before you do we have a few items of pirate code that we want you to abide by.

Pirate Scavenger Hunt Rules:

1. Three hours have been allotted for game play.
2. Your team will lose five points for each minute that you are late.
3. As a group, points must be validated, so get photo, video, or physical proof, that a task was completed within the game guidelines or risk losing points.
4. OBEY the traffic laws!
5. All members of your crew must remain in the clothes (costumes) they are currently wearing unless otherwise noted.
6. When you are acquiring items you cannot buy or steal them from a store. They must be given to you, found, or traded. You may however purchase things, not on your list, that would help your crew like gas and food. Also you may steal from another crew to win the game.
7. You cannot actually tell people you are on a scavenger hunt. You may tell people you are hunting for treasure or whatever pirate excuse you want.
8. You cannot complete any of these tasks before you leave the Port! (house)

Have a Grand Adventure Mateys!

~List 1~

100 Pts.!!!
- Convince a stranger that a sea witch will steal the soul of yer beloved captain unless you can get a lock of their hair.
-Bring back a real gold coin you did not leave with.
-Get a stranger to let your WHOLE crew board their vessel (boat.)
-Encounter a pirate in costume who is NOT a part of the game.

75 pts!!!
- In true pirate fashion, encounter another pirate crew, and sabotage their current task. (You only get the points if you are successful.)
- Acquire, without stealing, at least a shot glass size amount of rum. OBEY the law store open containers of alcohol in the TRUNK. (10 extra points if it's Captain Morgan's brand.)
- Photograph a monkey.
- Encounter a stranger smoking a pipe.

50 Pts.!!!
-Have your team learn how (demonstrate later) to tie a real seafaring knot.
- Bring back a movie stub from a pirate movie.
- Disguise yerselves! Two members of yer crew need ta throw off the law! Switch pirate attire to maintain anonymity!
-Sometimes yer broke! Beg strangers for their "pieces of eight." Whatever you earn from them in this task you can use to buy something for another task!
-Get a stranger, to temporarily join your crew, wear at least 3 borrowed items from your crew, and complete a 20+ point task with your crew.

-Find and photograph a Beach Boys' album.
-As a group, as close as possible, perform in public a fight scene from 'Pirates of The Caribbean.'
-Find corn for sale for a 'buck-an-ear.'
-Hide yer treasure! Bury yer treasure somewhere where no one'll find it! It can be anything ye've acquired. But you have to come back and get it before the end of the hunt. If it isn't there anymore, you lose the points for both tasks!

- Release a note in a bottle.
- Name 15 pirate films.
- Get a stranger to say 'arrrgg!'
- Find someone who's branded their Ship with pirate propaganda! (bumper stickers)
- Obtain a sea shell.

~List 2~

75 pts!!!
-I n true pirate fashion, steal something from another pirate crew you encounter. (10 extra points if it is something on their list.)
- Get two strangers to kiss each other. (10 extra points if they are over 40)
- Meetin' of the Pirate Lords. See if you can get at least 2 other pirate captains to meet you somewhere so you can barter with them. Maybe convince them you have something they want?
- Obtain a ship in a bottle.
- Do the ENTIRE hunt in Pirate accents.
- Disguise yerselves! Two members of yer crew need ta throw off the law! Switch pirate attire to maintain anonymity!
- A la 'Swiss Family Robinson' take a photo of a member of your team in a tree house.
- Photograph a real parrot.
- Find a stranger with a visible pirate related tattoo.

20 pts.!!!
- As a group perform any number from 'The Pirates of Penzance' in a public area.
- Find and photograph a copy of Jimmy Buffet's album 'A Pirates Treasure.'
- Photograph your Captain at a ship wheel.

5 pts.!!!
- 'Get a crew member to use 'Shiver Me Timbers' as a pick-up line.
- Find a stranger who can name 5 famous Pirates.
- Play a round of 'Blind Man's Bluff'.
- Get a Pirate Tattoo! (you don't have to make it permanent)
- Acquire a mascot.

~List 3~

75 pts!!!
- Photograph each member of your group separately, at different locations, in the 'Capitan Morgan' stance.
- Marooned! Leave one member of yer crew somewhere! You can't go back and get em' till you've completed a task without them!
- Get a stranger, not in your crew, to kiss a member of your crew.

50 pts.!!!
- Disguise yerselves! Two members of yer crew need ta throw off the law! Switch pirate attire to maintain anonymity!
- Take a picture of your group standing near a palm tree.
- Obtain a coconut.
- Bring back a box of Captain Crunch.
- Get a stranger, not in your crew to 'walk the plank.' You must first acquire something to use as a plank.

20 pts!!!
- As a group sing 'We Are The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything' in a public area.
- Find a stranger with more than 5 visible piercings.
- Get a picture of your crew on a dock.

5 pts!!!
- As a group serenade a stranger of your choice with a sea shanty or bar song.
- Run through an indoor place as a team shouting 'Hook! Hook! Where's The Hook?'
- Name 10 famous historical pirates.
- Ask a female stranger to show you her 'booty.' (10 extra points if she does.)
- Initiate a sword (stick) fight in a Wal-Mart.

~List 4~

75 pts!!!
- Encounter a stranger playing an accordion.
- Stowaway. Sneak aboard another Crew's vessel! Remain there for at least one task.
- Pick a spot you are convinced there is buried treasure, and find some. No treasure? No points.
-Bring back a 'Jolly Roger' flag that you did not leave with or make.

50 Pts!!!
- Disguise yerselves! Two members of yer crew need ta throw off the law! Switch pirate attire to maintain anonymity!
- Draw a pirate flag, and make sure it ends up in every photo or video, of your completed tasks.
- Give Pirate names to every member of your crew, and only go by them for the entire hunt.
- Jailed for now. Get a picture which appears as though yer crew has been jailed (20 bonus points if they can get a dog in the picture for that famous Pirates of the Caribbean ride scene).

20 Pts!!!
- Find a stranger with a beard 2 or more inches longer than the chin.
- As a group sing 'Yo Ho!(A Pirates Life For Me)' in a public area.
- Photograph your crew outside the 'lil gypsy'.
- Bring back something, you did not buy or bring, with a skull and crossbones.

- Bring back a bone.
- Find out what Bumboo (not bamboo) is.
- You've lost your treasure map. Men put aside your ego and ask a stranger for directions to the treasure. You only get the points if they will play along and give you an answer.
- Play a round of 'Blind Man's Bluff'
- Get a stranger to do an impression of Jack Sparrow.

Pirate Party
More Scavenger Hunts

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by: Anonymous

You are a party planner after my own heart :)))

by: Anonymous

Planning my 30th Pirate adventure as well... this is AMAZING. Thank you so much for sharing!

by: Anonymous

This is perfect, I'm trying to plan my 30th well in advance and this looks like so much fun. I can't wait for the hilarity! Thanks

by: Anonymous

This is exactly what I was looking for.

For the politically correct person
by: Anonymous

The point of the trading clothing is to do just that. Its not very pirate-y to say change clothes... right?


Am having a pirate 30th birthday and your lists are brilliant and hilarious!!!

Thankyou so much for posting!!!!

"Throw off the law"
by: Grace

Why would pirates switch clothes? To "throw off the law." To "throw off" means to confuse. Statements like that are only meant to get players in the spirit of the game and to tie in to the theme. By "throw off the law" I do not mean to actually attempt to trick an officer. No one should attempt to break the law in a scavenger hunt. Hope that helps answer your question.

Awesome List Grace
by: Diva Girl

Great job on setting up this Pirate Scavenger Hunt list. Could you possibly give an example of how the following requirement on the list could be completed without breaking any laws?

"Disguise yerselves! Two members of yer crew need ta throw off the law! Switch pirate attire to maintain anonymity!"

... or does "throw off the law" mean something else?

Thanks so much for sharing this list. It's awesome!

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