Salon and Day Spa

by Kim

Diva Pampering Salon and Day Spa

Diva Pampering Salon and Day Spa

For my daughters 11th birthday, we will be having a salon and day spa theme.

I made the invitations to look just like a salon brochure (tri-fold) and named it "Gabrielle's Salon & Day Spa". I put the birthday party info, salon services that will be offered, the small food menu and the games that we'll be playing on the inside sections.

It will be held at our house so we'll decorate it as much like a spa as we can. We'll have green, silver and white balloons, rolled towels and candles throughout the "spa" area.

The food menu consists of chicken salad triangle sandwiches, fruit kabobs, strawberry cheesecake, petit fours and cucumber lime water.

The services that the girls will be getting include: chocolate facial (I found a recipe online) hair styling, mini manicures and mini pedi, simple make-up application. They'll play a beauty relay game and a "Just Wondering" card game (also found online).

She is so excited about it!! It takes place in 6 days, and I've got my fingers crossed that all goes as planned!

Salon and Day Spa Party Response:


Your spa party sounds awesome. I love all of your ideas. I am sure the girls will have a blast.

For those wondering about the game you referred to, it is posted below along with a few others.

I'd love to see photos after the party. I'm sure all your young divas will be gorgeous and smiling by the time the day is through.


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Spa Invitations Idea
by: Diva Make Up Freak

For invitations you can put the invitation in a slipper. The girls get to look for the matching slipper when they arrive and take it home as a party favor.

Spa Party Ideas
by: Mia

For anyone doing a spa party you could hire (rent) a hot tub because it's sort of spa like and then when the kids get out the hot tub give them pedicures, makeovers, face masks and other things like that.

Maybe have a foot spa as well, or instead of a hot tub!

Also for drinks, in my local store you can by non-alcoholic champagne (fake champagne as I like to call it!) It would make the kids feel more grown up!

Next Party for Me!!
by: Carly

What site did you find the chocolate mask on? I am definitely doing it for my next party!!

This Is Really Cool
by: Sage

I really want to do something a lot like this, but I have no idea about what games we would play and I'm scared about my friends thinking its a little immature. I'm turning twelve and I'm in middle school so everybody is sophisticated... like people are already kissing boys, so I'm a little scared. If anyone has any ideas on how to make it seem more like a party for adults and stuff then please give me any suggestions you have.

Oh yeah and a lot of people were saying why don't you not have your mom do the spa stuff and you and your friends can do it, but to be honest my mom is definitely not the problem cause seriously she's almost more of my best friend so please HELP ME!

by: Emdancer

That sounds like a lot of fun. I am going to do that for my next party! :)

by: Em

Hey! I am doing the same thing to for my birthday party! I just cannot think of any games to do! Please Help!!!!!!

Great Party
by: Nikki

This sounds great. I was going to do this for my daughters birthday!

Spa Games and Recipe
by: Lisa

I'm planning my daughters 11th birthday party and loved the Salon and Day Spa idea. I believe it will be a great time. However, the links for the games, mask and facial recipe were unable to be clicked. I am hoping someone has these sight addresses that they can send to me directly.

Thanks so much

Reply: Unfortunately, the products are temporarily unavailable. Hopefully they will be available again soon.

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