Our school trivia is loaded with fun facts, information and quotes about school movies, school supplies, and more. Whether you're planning a trivia party or just need a rainy day activity for your students, this school trivia is the perfect fit.
01. Which of the following schools is NOT fictional?
A. Bikini Bottom Elementary School
B. Mission Ridge School
C. Van Atta Junior High School
D. Seaview Middle School
02. Wayside School’s cafeteria, where Ms. Mush resides, is on which floor of the school?
A. 30
B. 19
C. 15
D. 2
03. In a movie by the same title what was the name of the school where Jack Black (Dewey Finn is his name in the movie) taught?
A. Planet Pluto
B. School for Wayward Youth
C. Muppet University
D. School of Rock
04. In 1993 students from Purdue University created crayons that were NOT made out of petroleum-based paraffin wax (the commonly used substance). What did
they make their crayons from?
A. Soybean Oil
B. Fungi
C. Rhubarb Stalks
D. Pumpkin Seeds
05. The setting for each of the following movies, except one, is a classroom. Which movie is NOT about a teacher and his/her pupil(s)?
A. Educating Rita
B. To Sir, With Love
C. Everyone’s Hero
D. Goodbye Mr. Chips
06. In the Movie, Stand and Deliver (based on a true story), Mr. Escalente (the teacher) helps his students achieve amazing success in which subject?
A. Math
B. Science
C. History
D. Spanish
07. What is the name of the fun-loving teacher who takes her class on wacky field trips aboard a very unusual school bus?
A. Miss Wade
B. Miss. Frizzle
C. Miss Gerber
D. Miss Wisenewski
08. What is the lead in a pencil made out of?
A. Lead
B. Coal
C. Carbon
D. Silver
09. Which of the following people was NOT a high school drop-out?
A. Jimmy Stewart
B. Peter Jennings
C. Julie Andrews
D. Johnny Depp
10. Identify the source of this quote: “The regular course was Reeling and Writhing, of course, to begin with; and then the different branches of Arithmetic - Ambition, Distraction, Uglification, and Derision.”
A. T. S. Eliot
B. Lewis Carroll
C. Mark Twain
D. Shakespeare
11. Identify the latin phrase Robin Williams used to encourage his students when he played an English teacher in the movie “Dead Poet’s Society”.
A. Veni, Vidi, Vici
B. E Pluribus Unum
C. Mea Culpa
D. Carpe Diem
12. In what movie did a teacher share his incredible passion for music with his students?
A. Mr. Holland’s Opus
B. An American Symphony
C. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
D. Gentlemen and Players
13. What famous actor played a student in "Welcome Back Kotter"?
A. Michael Douglas
B. Sean Penn
C. John Travolta
D. Adam Sandlar
14. In the movie “October Sky” only one teacher understands his special students could actually win what?
A. An Athletic Scholarship
B. The National Science Fair (and a college scholarship)
C. A Seat in the New York Philharmonic
D. A Lead Role in a Play on Broadway
15. This is a game that is often played during indoor recess when the teacher wants to keep the class quiet but still entertained.
A. Red Rover, Red Rover
B. Dodge Ball
C. 7-Up
D. Kickball
16. The phrase, “Please excuse my dear, Aunt Sally” is often used to help students remember what?
A. The Great Lakes
B. The Order of Operations in Long Division
C. The Planets
D. The Order of Math Operations
17. Which of the following is NOT listed in the book “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten” by Robert Fulghum?
A. Eating Jelly Beans is Good for You
B. Flush
C. Clean Up Your Own Mess
D. Don’t Hit People
18. D’Nealian and Zaner-Bloser are two of these?
A. Famous Scientists
B. Forms of Cursive Handwriting
C. Types of Cacti
D. Methods of Animal Dissection
19. Lake Gatún, an artificial lake that constitutes part of the Panama Canal system, was created by damming which river? (This question shouldn’t be a toughie. After all, 13-year-old Nathan Cornelius -- a homeschooler -- from
Cottonwood, Minn. knew the answer to win the 2005 National Geography Bee.)
A. Chagres River
B. Haw River
C. Ashburton River
D. Kapuas River
20. How much did it cost to buy the FIRST box of Crayola crayons when they were first sold in 1903?
A. Five Cents
B. Ten Cents
C. Fifteen Cents
D. A Quarter
01. B. Mission Ridge School (It was one of the early schools built in W. Virginia) / 02. C. 15 / 03. D. School of Rock / 04. A. Soybean Oil / 05. C. Everyone’s Hero / 06. A. Math / 07. B. Miss. Frizzle / 08. C. Carbon (Interesting Note: No, you can’t get lead poisoning from a pencil lead in your hand because it’s not made of lead) / 09. A. A. Jimmy Stewart (Stewart went to College to become an Architect but while there switched to acting) / 10. B. Lewis Carroll / 11. D. Carpe Diem (which means Seize the Day) / 12. A. Mr. Holland’s Opus / 13. C. John Travolta / 14. B. The National Science Fair (for the rockets they built) / 15. C. 7-Up / 16. D. The Order of Math Operations (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction) / 17. A. Eating Jelly Beans is Good for You (However, Fulghum claims eating warm cookies and milk is) / 18. B. Forms of Cursive Handwriting / 19. A. Chagres River / 20. A. Five Cents (This first box contained eight colors: black, brown, blue, red, purple, orange, yellow, and green.)
Jan 30, 25 11:31 AM
Jan 29, 25 01:36 PM
Oct 28, 24 01:23 PM