Conversation Icebreaker Game
When women share conversation, they build relationships and fulfill a need for self-expression and mutual understanding.
This conversation icebreaker is a great activity to use to open a party or event where women are not well-acquainted with each other yet.
Cut up the questions below, fold them, and put them in a bowl or some other container. Have your guests sit in a circle and take turns drawing and answering questions. As the women share conversation inspired by the questions, they will become more comfortable with each other and discover many common interests and experiences.
Conversation Starter List
Share your greatest pet peeve.
Share one thing you don't like to be nagged about.
Share about what decade you think had the best fashion.
Share one career path that you would be interested in pursuing if time and money were available.
Share one thing you would like to know about the future.
Share about the one item you would take with you if you were a contestant on Survivor.
Share your biggest fear.
Share who you would love to trade places with for a week.
Share about your most treasured (inanimate) possession.
Share a recipe that you absolutely could not live without.
Share about a famous person you would love to have over to your home.
Share a childhood dream.
Share about a place in the world you would like to visit, but have not yet.
Share about a person who has been a great role model to you.
Share about the last book you read.
Share about the chore you loathe the most.
Share about your favorite hobby.
Share about your greatest passion.
Share a short review of your favorite movie.
Share about the most amazing place you have visited in your life.
Share a dream you have that has not yet come true.
Share the most unexpected compliment you ever received.
Share about something that took you a lot of courage to accomplish.
Share your fondest family memory.
Share your favorite quote or line to live by.
Share the most embarrassing moment you ever experienced.
Share the details of your first date.
Share the worst advice you ever received.
Share about the teacher who had the greatest impact on you.
Share your proudest moment.
Share the funniest thing anyone has ever said to you.
Printable Share Cards
Print cards on cardstock paper and set up as a deck of cards facing down that each guest can draw from the pile or print on regular paper, fold and place in a container.

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