by Cynthia Stodolka
Have every one bring a photo of something they love in their life when you send out the invitations.
Have a table set up with glue, scissors, colored paper, and scrapbook decorations. The photos can be of a loved family member, a pet, a car or anything special in that person's life. All of the family participates.
Then, make a scrapbook page and decorate it and have each family member trade with another one. For example my neice who's 10 traded a picture of her beloved cat with my cousin who's a stock broker on wall street. He gave her a picture of him standing in Central Park. They had never met. They write their name or message or whatever they want on the back.
Finally, spend a few minutes talking to the person you traded with. This is a wonderful way to get to know the people you rarely see. They take something back home with them.
It's a keepsake, and lots of fun.
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