The Best Mall Scavenger Hunt
by Tara
Girls Shopping Game
For the best mall scavenger hunt you need to go to the mall of course and then, go to certain stores that someone in your family picked and you have to buy those things or take a pic with or of it (I prefer to use a digital camera).
Claires - Pink nail polish under $2
JC Pennys - Try on an outfit and take a picture of it
Victoria's Secret - Take a pic of lacy thong underwear
Payless Shoes - Try on some really tall boots and take a pic
Icing - Buy a gift card ($10) for the birthday girl
And there was alot more but it was really FUN!!
All my friends luved it.
More Mall Scavenger Hunt List Ideas
Each team is given is given an equal amount of cash before starting the hunt. Points for each item purchased are as noted below.
lip gloss-4
eyeshadow-2 Nails
face nails-2
nail polish-4
nail file-2Clothing
pony tail-4
pack of gum-2
hersheys plain-3Health & Beauty
hand sanitizer-2
body wash-2
toothbrush-1Take a picture:
Of a store employee holding something you bought there.
Someone eating an ice cream cone.
A picture of each person in your group making a funny face, in front of Rue 21.Rules:
You cannot use your own money.
Stuff you buy in a pack counts as one thing (we will split it up when we divide up the prizes).
You need all your receipts.
You must stick together (within 30 feet of teammates, or in site, except for the bathroom they can wait outside the door... lol).
Only one team in each store at a time.
If you knock something of a shelf or rack pick it up.
All the stuff bought will be put in a pile to be divided up.
The team that gets the most items gets to pick 2 things out of the pile, then each person will grab one thing out of the pile until everything is gone.
Only buy things someone would want.More Mall Scavenger Hunt Ideas
Mall Clue Hunt
Printable Mall Scavenger Hunt Invitations
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