by Tracy
Enjoying an Ocean Sunset with Friends
My friend Carrianne & I have been best friends since 1991. Emily has since jumped aboard our bffship.
I have Lupus and have been completely disabled for a year. Carrianne and Emily took me without knowing our destination, to the Oregon beach. It was my first trip anywhere other than the doctor or hospital.
They drove me to watch the sunset over the Pacific, as we ate dinner and dessert, prepared by them. BTW, they're both excellent cooks! When our bellies were content, they had planned to wrap me up in blankets and had brought a children's red wagon to wheel me down along the sand.
When we attempted to do so, we didn't make it 10 inches. We laughed so hard! The wagon just sunk into the sand and they were unable to budge me at all. It was hilarious! However, instead, they RAN me around the parking lot... still in the wagon. Which had us breathless with laughter. It was so much fun and distracted me from my pain.
Laughter is the best medicine! Especially when shared with your best friends!
Response: That is an amazing story. It comes to life with your words and I can imagine that you must relive it many times over.
The thoughtfulness that was put into creating that memory makes it even more memorable. I give two manicured diva pinkies up to your amazing friends.
Comments for Through Sickness and In Health
Jan 30, 25 11:31 AM
Jan 29, 25 01:36 PM
Oct 28, 24 01:23 PM