For a truly unique party,
host an Urban Legends
party. It's the perfect
theme for Halloween
or whenever you want to
add a little mystery to an event.
Free Printable Urban Legends Party Invitation
Free Blank Printable Urban Legends Invitation
To view these printable invitations, you will need Adobe Reader installed on your computer (the latest version is recommended).
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The colors black, grey and red work well for the 'mysterious element' of an urban legends party. Use them for napkins, cups and other party items. Incorporate newspapers into your decorating. Use them for accents, placemats, makeshift coasters (whatever you can think of) to add the 'factual element.' Also, add pictures of urban legends to the decor (see below for instructions and associated activity).
Read through the Urban Legend Categories
and pick foods written about in these categories. Post a shortened version of each of the legends next to the applicable foods and let your guests judge whether the legends are fact or fiction.
Serve soft drinks during the evening. There are several legends associated with soda pop. Attach a band of paper around each can with various soft drink legends (one per can) printed on the band. Once again, let your guests decide whether the stories are true or false.
You can make a competition of it. Make it mysterious, (a little scary) and fun.
Give your guests a short Urban Legends Tutorial.
Print several urban legend pictures (some fact and some fiction - see above for link to categories) and mount them on black construction paper. Below each picture create two blocks. One with FACT printed on it and the other FICTION. Instruct your guests to sign under one or the other for each picture. At the end of the evening let them know how many they got right.
Print out several stories (some fact and some fiction - see above for link to categories) and read them at the party. Have your guests decide which are fact and which are fiction.
Record some urban legends programs from TV and show them or rent a video on urban legends.
Anything associated with an urban legend. There is a wealth of information to be found at the above 'category' and 'tutorial' links.
A small bag containing Bubble Yum bubble gum and any candy containing food coloring (one of these is associated with a true legend and one is associated with a false legend).
Attach a card saying something like, "A final thought for you to ponder ... Does Bubble Yum chewing gum contain spider eggs or are the food colorants cochineal and carmine made from ground beetles? One is true and one is false. You be the judge! Thanks for coming to our party. Enjoy your treats."
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Jan 30, 25 11:31 AM
Jan 29, 25 01:36 PM
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