Valentine Themes and Ideas for Church Parties

When deciding on valentine themes for church parties it is important that you choose something that will make everyone feel comfortable and welcome.

Of course, you will plan a romantic couples-only banquet much different than a party that will include all the members and age groups of your congregation; but, the emphasis should be on having fun and spreading the message of love  that is expressed during the Valentine season.

So, choose a theme, add a dash of your own creativity and enjoy spending a LOVE-ly evening with your church family.

Valentine Themes

Bible Couples Valentine Theme

Transform your church into Ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt, or Israel and then bring the great love stories of the Bible to life by asking participants to dress as famous Bible couples such as Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Moses and Zipporah, or Mary and Joseph.

If your party is not couples-only, you could expand this theme to include Bible Families.

Evening in Paris Valentine Theme

Twinkling lights, soft music, and a backdrop of the Eiffel Tower will transport guests to the beauty and intrigue of the most romantic city in the world.

Set up little “cafe” booths that feature famous French cuisine such as pastries, gourmet chocolate and truffles, cheese, crepes, and maybe even some ratatouille.

Depending on the group, you may like to have people dress in evening attire and plan a dance “under the stars”, or if your party includes a lot of children and singles, you can have a little fun by learning a few traditional French group dances.

Venice Nights Valentine Theme

Recreate the beautiful architecture and romance of a Venice village and invite church members to enjoy a sampling of Italian cuisine, classical music, and renaissance art.

Strap wheels to the bottom of light canoes or kayaks and have couples compete in “gondola” races, or have an Italian Serenade where husbands sing love songs to their lovely ladies. Of course, the best serenade deserves a prize. Again, if you have a lot of singles, make the gondola race girls versus guys, and have a love song karaoke contest instead of a romantic serenade.

Valentine Costume Party

Decorate with the traditional hearts and roses, and then ask church members to come decked out in their best Valentine attire.

You can have a conservative “red and white” theme, or make it more of a costume party that encourages extravagance, homemade accessories, and even a little silliness.

Valentine Candy Party

Valentine's Day is about love and candy - and nothing says “I love you” better than lots and lots of candy! Transform your church into a quaint candy store – red, white, and pink, of course – and ask everyone to bring their favorite Valentine candy treat to share. With cinnamon hearts, candy lips, chocolate roses, and conversation hearts, your party will be absolutely delectable. Play Valentine candy trivia, use foil wrapped hearts as backgammon or checkers pieces, and swap ping pong paddles for giant heart-shaped lollipops.

Valentine Tea

Have a mother-daughter Valentine's tea, or extend the invitation and show the love of the season to other ladies in the community. Serve heart-shaped cookies, chocolate covered strawberries, or have a cupcake decorating contest. You may even want to rent a room at a local retirement home and bring a special Valentine's tea party to the elderly and lonely.

Valentine Party Ideas and Games

  • Ask for wedding pictures of couples in your church, mount and number them, and see how many people can correctly identify who is in each picture.

  • If any ladies still have their wedding gowns, you can display them as part of your decorations and have a contest to see who can match the gown with the bride.

  • Valentine Pictionary or Charades are always crowd pleasers and suitable for almost any age group. Mix a few “love” scriptures in with traditional Valentine phrases and objects.

  • Set a timer and see which couple or team can identify the most Scriptures that include the word “love”.

  • Have a family Valentine scavenger hunt.

  • Play The Dating Game or The Newlywed Game and have fun seeing how the young couples fare against those who have been married for several years.

  • Give everyone a conversation heart and have them try to find the person who completes a given sentence. For example, if one guest has the phrase “You're sweet”, they may have to find the person whose heart says “Cutie pie”. Or, break love Scriptures into sections and have people mingle while finding the guests who complete the verse. You can even use this method to determine table seating if you are having a dinner.

  • Play Valentine Trivia and award prizes throughout the evening.

  • Printable Valentines Day Party Games: Play a Bible couples matching game, or have Valentine crosswords, word searches and love song/movie quizzes on the tables to keep people of all ages entertained throughout the party.Valentine Party Games Bundle - 22 fantastic printable Valentine party games!

  • Play Valentine Bingo, adding in a few Bible words and phrases such as “charity”, “blessing”, “love”, or “kindness”. For an extra sweet touch, use Valentine candy as markers.

  • If there will be several young children at the party, you may want to set up an activity center with Valentine coloring sheets or simple crafts to keep them occupied while their parents socialize.

Whether couples, singles, kids – or a mixture of all three – a Valentine party is a great way to celebrate the season of love. By incorporating a few simple Valentine themes and ideas, you can plan a church party that everyone will enjoy. In fact, it just might become an annual event!

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