by Ambz
Fun Party Wigs
I am planning a wild hair and make-up party. It is a great party theme and gets everyone laughing.
You can wear wigs, backcomb your hair, wear funky hats, etc.
For make-up you can create wild eyes and experiment with crazy make-up styles you've never dared to try before. Also, you could try applying bright red lips or stripy lips - may be even try making it look like you don't have any lips.
Even if you look silly it doesn't matter. It's part of the fun!
In the party bags, I will put in some cheap clips with colourful FAKE hair on them and some glittery lip gloss.
I will also serve lipstick shaped cake.
I'll include a competition to see who looks the best or the strangest and the winner gets a prize (probably a bracelet).
My party will continue with a sleepover and we plan to tell secrets, play truth or dare, etc...
Everyone is really excited to come and I can't wait. This is going to be excellent!!!!
Lipstick Cake Decorations
Fun Wigs
Printable Party Games
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Jan 30, 25 11:31 AM
Jan 29, 25 01:36 PM
Oct 28, 24 01:23 PM